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Rock Salt

Rock salt is a natural mineral that has been used for centuries to keep foods fresh for a long time. Rock salt is highly valued in the Ayurveda system of medicine as it offers numerous health benefits right from healthy skin and hair to weight loss. It is known to be very effective when you replace your daily salt with this purest form of salt.

Rock salt is an excellent home remedy for digestive problems such as constipation, heartburn, bloating, stomach pain, etc. 

Rock salt is rich in vitamin K, which helps to strengthen your bones and also boost your immunity. It also enhances the body’s bone metabolism, which prevents several diseases and illnesses.

Consuming a small amount of rock salt in soup or taking a bath with rock salt in warm water can relieve your stress and activates your brain. It gives you a calm effect and relaxes your body and mind.

Rock Salt

250 Grams
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